Refinements of social functionalism

Robert Merton is one of the most sophisticated exponents of a qualified functionalism in sociology ( Social Theory and Social Structure ). He finds that earlier versions of sociological functionalism were conceptually flawed. Here is how he characterizes the classic theory of functionalism: We should attend first to the list of terms ostensibly referring to the same concept: purpose, function, motive, designed, secondary consideration, primary concern, aim. Through inspection, it becomes clear that these terms group into quite distinct conceptual frames of reference. At times, some of these terms � move, design, aim and purpose � clearly refer to the explicit ends-in-view of the representatives of the state. Others motive, secondary consideration � refer to the ends -in-view of the victim of the crime. And both of these sets of terms are alike in referring to the subjective anticipations of the results of punishment. But the concept of function involves the standpoint of the observer, ...