Mechanisms, singular and general

Let's think again about the semantics of causal ascriptions. Suppose that we want to know what caused a building crane to collapse during a windstorm. We might arrive at an account something like this: An unusually heavy gust of wind at 3:20 pm, in the presence of this crane's specific material and structural properties, with the occurrence of the operator's effort to adjust the crane's extension at 3:21 pm, brought about cascading failures of structural elements of the crane, leading to collapse at 3:25 pm. The process described here proceeds from the "gust of wind striking the crane" through an account of the material and structural properties of the device, incorporating the untimely effort by the operator to readjust the device's extension, leading to a cascade from small failures to a large failure. And we can identify the features of causal necessity that were operative at the several links of the chain. Notice that there are few causal regularities...